DAC Worldwide's Bearing Fault Kit (203-010) is a specialized product option that enhances a variety of related vibration analysis study and demonstration products, which highlights the unique vibration signatures created by common industrial bearing faults.
The detection of bearing faults is regularly encountered by maintenance personnel when performing preventive and predictive maintenance tasks on industrial rotating equipment. Due to the number of balls in any ball bearing assembly the type of fault can often be diagnosed based on vibration frequency. Often, measured changes in vibration spectrum over time can help determine the remaining life of a bearing and the criteria for its ultimate replacement.
Practice Hands-On Mechanical Skills for Various Applications
Four (4) industrial-quality rolling element bearings are interchangeable with the standard bearings used on a variety of related products. Each modified bearing creates a unique fault that's detectable using spectrum analysis techniques.
Each bearing is disassembled and has a realistic fault added to the inner race, the outer race, the balls themselves, and a combined application. The bearings are then carefully re-assembled, making them indistinguishable from the standard unmodified bearings provided on related products.